How's everybody? I'm CHO tired...
I had portfolio today and I had to memorize a whole text and
I think I did good though! So glad it's over but
I have a quiz on friday (#°Д°) It's never
Point! is my carebears cutsew
They removed the big christmas tree at my local mall and
changed it with this area with christmas lights tree
I'm sad because I loved the old tree, it was so big and
Here's pics of them I took in 2021,
I already miss my polar bear friend💔
I sometimes dislike how much emotionally attached
I can get to inanimate objects(;′⌒`)
I tried to match my poupee to my Co*De w
Nails & My new nui friends
I put Minnie on my mokomoko backpack
I got so sad I was gonna cry but then I noticed
she was on the floor💔 Poor Minnie (┬┬﹏┬┬)
I'm gonna change her chain to a stronger one so
I'll sleep now, see you later!!
Hope tomorrow'll be a great day♪